Becoming A First Time Art Buyer
In my wee art journey so far I have uncovered some seriously epic art and artists from all corners and backgrounds.⠀
I have been inspired to not only paint but start my own wee art collection.⠀
Being a first time art buyer can be daunting but I’ve been inspired by a little piece of writing I stumbled upon by @fenton_and_fenton founder, Lucy Fenton.⠀
She has a few tips, but her most simple tip is to buy art you love! When a piece of art starts talking to you or you find yourself daydreaming about it, just buy it! Layby it! Do whatever it takes to make sure it’s yours.⠀
With that said, I think I’m very close to having found my first piece. Keep an eye on here to see what I’m hoping to hang on my own wall soon.⠀