How to start a small business
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can:⠀
A bit of an encouragement post to those who have an idea but are not sure whether to run with it. ⠀
It’s funny when I look back at my very first post and I can see what my intentions were and how they have changed and been moulded along the way. ⠀
Initially, I had intended for Cold Snap Club to be a carefully crafted blog of wintery posts, a bit of paint on canvas and some ideas & inspo for a whole raft of things mostly related to the cold snap, aka the winter season. ⠀
The thing to note here though, is the part about the painting only being a bit. This was mostly because I didn’t know where it would take me and whether it would flop or fly. ⠀
What I am getting at here is that we have all have our doubts and just starting and putting yourself out there is often the hardest bit. We kind of all know this and have heard it before, however it’s good to be reminded of these things and nice to be able to be an example of this. ⠀
So…put yourself out there. Back yourself. And see where it takes ya! ⠀
You won’t know until you try!⠀